Small Changes

Big outcomes are often the result of a long string of small actions.

Getting your college degree is not a single grand act. It requires a series of many small choices, all pointed in the same direction.

A great marriage is cultivated through daily conversations, gentle touches, and acts of service when no one is looking.

And a thriving company is built on hundreds of interactions with your team, empowering them to do better work, and hundreds more interactions with your clients, providing them with valuable stuff they can count on.

It doesn't take a grand act to get a great outcome. Small changes can lead to a totally different life.

When airline pilots set their course from NYC, a two-degree change could mean the difference between landing in London or in Rome.

 Lately, I've been working on substituting one dessert per week with another, more healthy treat that I still enjoy (e.g., vanilla yogurt with granola, or pretzels with spinach and artichoke dip). Don't get me wrong, I'm still eating dessert another time or two; I'm just trying to swap one of them out.

What small changes could you make that might add up?


How we treat others

